About us

The Elephants Trunk 3 is a product created by GTM Professional. GTM Professional is a brand of the Dutch family business De Wild. Next to the Elephants Trunk, we also make an extensive line of wood chippers in our own factory. Visit www.gtmprofessional.com for more information.

Who we are
Ergonomic working is an important topic in the world of gardening. The Elephants Trunk is developed by GTM Professional and manufactured in our own factory. With in-house production, we keep control over the quality of our products. We believe that safe and pleasant working is top priority for everyone who works in the garden. That all starts with the use of proper tools. But besides it is essential to take care of your body in addition to your greenery.

Approved by professional gardeners
We have tested the Elephants Trunk by professional users and with this feedback, we continue to develop the harness. The first introduction of the Elephants Trunk was in 2008. Meanwhile, over 10.000 pieces are sold worldwide. After the ET1 and ET2, the ET3 has been on the market since 2023. This is our most advanced model, helping gardeners to lighten the heavy work with a handheld hedge trimmer or leaf blower.